
Government officials who intentionally violate the Constitutional rights of Americans must be held accountable.

Unfortunately, a judge-made legal doctrine known as qualified immunity often makes this impossible. Because of qualified immunity, it is extremely difficult to sue any government employee even if they intentionally violate your rights. This is wrong. We need your help to change it!

It's time for change!

In North Carolina, counties, cities, townships, and villages have the freedom to limit qualified immunity for government employees if they choose.

But change does not happen in a vacuum. It requires people like you to let your local councilmembers know that the Constitution is not an empty promise. Many North Carolinians are already members of our grassroots coalition Americans Against Qualified Immunity (AAQI). Join us and help restore fairness and accountability to the Queen City.

AAQI is a project of the Institute for Justice, a nonprofit that works with both states and municipalities to create a pathway for victims of government abuse to sue the responsible officials and get their day in court.

What is Qualified Immunity?